Helpful tools and tips to make the application process a little easier.

All applications for Wellfleet Cultural Council grants must go through the Mass Cultural Council website system. This link will take you directly to the relevant page for our town’s program. You might find it helpful to sign up to receive emails from Mass Cultural so you can be alerted to this and other grant opportunities. Please don’t be intimidated by this process. Once you begin, you might be surprised how simple the application is. If you are passionate about your program and it serves the community of Wellfleet, we want to support you.

Please watch this video provided by the Mass Cultural Council to help you navigate the process.

This link will take you to a helpful page on the Mass Cultural Council website with numerous FAQs and a sample application.

Be sure to check out our FAQ page that answers many questions about our town’s program.

The grant application process for 2024 funding opens on September 1st with a deadline of October 17th.

Local Priorities

Granted projects should:

·      Benefit Wellfleet individuals and organizations

·      Support local artistic and not-for-profit talent

·      Provide off-season activities for year-round residents

·      Promote racial equity and encourage diversity

·      Highlight Wellfleet’s local heritage and unique natural resources

·      Support emerging artists, start-ups, and new programs

·      Be evaluated and prioritized to assure that the assortment of grants funded provide different types of arts and cultural activities: (e.g. music, theater, visual art, performing arts, literature, science, historical, and other types of events).

Local Guidelines

• The value of the program/project to Wellfleet needs to be clear. Consider identifying who in Wellfleet will benefit? How many will benefit?

• Preference is given to Wellfleet residents/organizations.

• Preference may be given to local artists (Cape-wide as opposed to off-Cape).

• Programs/projects must be physically accessible.

• A venue, if needed must be secured and specified in the grant application. (A letter of agreement or more formal agreement is sufficient). 

• Your program/project must take place and be completed during the calendar year 2024.

• Only one application from each group or individual will be considered. Please combine multi program/project requests under one application.

• A budget should be clear; the council needs to know how the funds will be used.

• Additional funding from other sources is preferred, or there is a clear plan to complete your project if not fully funded by council.

If you have questions, please email us at For obvious reasons, we can not complete the application for you, but are here to help you succeed.